i won't change for anyone.
Wednesday, August 31, 2005
I HATE YOU FUDGER.YOU SUCKKKKKK.the B girls are suppose to listen tothe coach, RACHEL.so does the C girls, u @#%$*&^.RACHEL IS MORE EXPERIENCED.she teaches us better than YOU.you teach the sec 1s dunno WHAT.and dare you tell the C girls' that the B girls are BADdats why the umpire keep whistling at us?!hello old-fashioned woman, RACHELTAUGHT US.ure insulting her u blardy poop.today is suppose to be physical training.rachel WROTE on a piece of paperwhat to do during PT.that means, INCLUDING sec ones.she did NOT write;100 chest pass.100 bounce pass.100 overhead.100 right hand pass. etcthat was NOT part of the PT!like, damnation!and during court play.u keep going out of boundary and udare ARGUE wimme?!?!u still can pass the ball to your teammateswhich is the BLARDY SEC ONES after ustepped OUT OF COURT! and u call urselfNETBALL teacher in charge?!and then u played positon GA.u can't even SHOOT.the ball kept going out of court.after what seemed like FOREVER,of trying and trying, both YOU and the sec 1,the SEC ONE got ONE pathetic goal.all sec ones including YOU clapped.wad abt us? we got 3 and not one single clapfrom the sec 1s OR you.and after everything, u still can teach us, the shootersand the attackers, what to do on court.sorry, but i can't be bothered to listen.go mushying with that husband of yoursin public la!don't tell us what to do.we will listen to RACHEL.ugggggggggghhhhhh.crappy netball today.sec ones totally WEAK.must buck up guys!!and SHIRLYN....argh, that's another story.-______________-"check this out;Zuraiin
Her sweet smiles warms up the coldness of your day
Her laughs brings out the smile within you
Humble and shy,sweet and nice
The sight of her makes you wonder
Why is there such a thing so splender?
As soft as silk
As light as paper
An angel if you want to describe easier
All its perfect when it comes to her.all credits to Mr. Sufiyan.*winkxHINT n0. ONEcannot tahan me ready right?HEH`toodle peeps.x o x oPS/ where's m0i Mr. Pai?! O.oPPS/ i did NOT just say that.
WITH LOVE ♥ 12:45 PM
Tuesday, August 30, 2005
i'm a dodo bird!
i'm still confused.thank you very much.am i falling for you?how can this be when i'm attached?i'm screwed i tell you.totally screwed.so screwed that even a screwdriver can'tfix me back.see, now i'm crapping.and hungry.i'm hungry when i'm stressed.and confused.should i tell him that i liking him?or should i just wait till later?actually, i can't wait.netball training just was, WEAK.ok for me at least.almost everybody got scolded just now.haiyoooooyooooook.NETBALL CARNIVAL this sun.*jengjengjeeeeeeeeeeng*please at least let us beat one school.pretty please?my MCSPICY DOUBLE is waiting.hehe.ok toodles peeeeeeeeeeps.x o x oPS shud i or shud i not????? woi! tell la!
WITH LOVE ♥ 12:29 PM
Monday, August 29, 2005
confusion overwhelms me.
ONE YEAR ANNIVERSARY.wasn't what i expected.
in fact, it was worse.
went out with Aidah.
wanted to catch The Maid but afraid
it would end late.
so cancelled.
went to eat.
took picxas.
bough white bands and clips.
picxas are nice!
scroll down to see.
i'm confused!
damnation man!
when i'm with him, i feel so right.
but when i'm talking to the other HIM,
i feel like the first him is nothing. worthless.
but, the first him is my bf.
maner bleh gituk?!
theFIRSThim gave me a necklace today.
and theSECONDhim, haizzzzzz.
i know my heart knows.what to do?!!?!!!!!?!?!?O.opicxas
its suppose to mean like
my fav.siyaaaaaaaaaaaaaal ah.no mood to post the rest ah.sorry guys.=(
x o x o
Sunday, August 28, 2005
friendly match.
had netball match earlier this morning.with Queenstown sec.i think they won.i don't know the points.then had a short training after that.w0ot.after which, had lunch at KFC with Lela,SZ and Dah.funnnnnnnnn.laughlaughlaugh.Lela, QUEEN of chilli sauce.she mixed coleslaw with mashed potatoesAND chilli sauce.AND ate it.O_o.next week netball carnival.
scared sia.haishhh.going Johor soon.charging my iPod.wakakakakakaka!!itu pon nak bilang.5 mins left.better go now.bye!!!!x o x o
Thursday, August 25, 2005
blurghhhhhh. period.
today spells B-O-R-I-N-G.left school early.no ss.no E math.went for Wonders of Science.didn't make it.period.he`s back.irritated me more.wadduh?!haishhhhhhhhh.isn`t my life MISERABLE?i feel so. ugh.noone understands.i knew nobody cared.don`t say you care and mean NOTHING.don`t tell me everybody DOES care.cos i know they don`t.don`t say it to make me feel better THERE and THENwhen the next day, u leave me out like i wasINVISIBLE.hello?!i`m still here?i`m realy moody in school nowadays.it`s not nice.empty words. don`t they SUCK?oh btw, its not HIM. its someone else.so, yeah.something on a brighter note.got this from Hot Chick.no offence guys.Boys are cheats and liars;they`re sucha big disgrace.they will tell you anything to get to 2nd base-ball, baseball they think they`re gonna score.if u give them everything then u are a hor-ticulture studies flowers, geologists studies rocks;nothing makes them happier than a giant pair of jug-glers and acrobats, a dancing bear named Chuck.all guys really wanna do is-forget it no such luck!n0ice. if u guys understand the poem in depththen u'll get the joke. serious. figure out the dashes part.it`s incomplete but completed by another word.interesting.still feeling down.sufiyan cheer me up.can't write anything abt u anymore cos ure reading this!!hmph.i feel left out. yay.SUDA LA. TAKDE MOOD NAK HIDOP SAKKKK.x o x oPS. 4 more days to one year anniversary.am i suppose to be happy?
WITH LOVE ♥ 12:28 PM
Tuesday, August 23, 2005
FROM NOW ON, I`M LAVAGIRL AND HE`S SHARKBOY.why? because my friends and i call him shark.why? because he used to do mohawk. [and his name start from S]now he can`t. HAH`.so my dear is SHARKboy and i`m his LAVAgirl.lavagirl no link to me. hmm`.let`s start.school was, as usual, sucky.chem was CONFUSING.dammit.i can`t understand.tmr 3 periodss of add math.HAISH.boring larhs!had netball training last sat.my knee gave me probs.got a ball hit my left eye.painful sey. the next day blueblack.HAH`. got a cut too.whatever`.last few stuff were torture.10 push-ups.10 sit-ups.10 star-jumps.10 supermans.3 sets of those. not that bad.but the 90°, 45° and 10° thing was torturous!we had to lift up our legs while lying down.and then my legs were so tired i shivered when i didthe 10° one. nyahahaha.that aside.next day, went KL.shopping.i like my tee!its from Padini Authentics.BROWN colour. nicenice.ya then. like that lorr`.boring ah.so today had netball training again.it was ok.Rachel was abit on the fierce side today.did the GS-block-GK-and-GA-run-to-baseline thing.and GS-run-out-get-the-ball-and-GA-run-the-baseline thing.nice larhssss. HAHAHA`.then i was so BLUR just now i keep throwing to themidfielder when i was suppose to pass to GA.and my coach was like, *smacks forehead and tilts head back*.then she laughed. hahaha`.i`m super blur.cannot blame cos my thighs still hurts`!HAH`.ya then, planning on making a new jersey.i want,SLEEVELESS WITH SKIRT AND NAME.even my mum say so.hees. pleash`?friendly match with Queenstown this sat at NUS.yay. haha. so long nvr play match!whee`.haish. SHARKboy is at Malaysia now.CAMP`.unfair. he'll be back tmr.minah language: i rindu sey matair i. alamak rambot beserak. *clips hair at the top of her head*'fashionista' `s language: i miss my bf!!! shit. my pantyhosetorn. need a new one. *grins*emo people language: when is he coming back?i miss him so. *sings all the emo song in the world*MY STYLE: when he says he's coming back, he WILL come back.no worries. but i still miss him.HAH`.i'm crapping. tankiew veh muchiex.okie dokes you monsters from my fantasies.i`m shagged.and i have nothing more to say.till` here then!good night!
thinking of him. in a weird way.O.ox o x oPS; *whispers* have i told you i got my highcuts? hee.black with white pinstripes. n0ice!PPS; 6 more days to ONE YEAR anniversary. yayness!ok byeee!
Saturday, August 20, 2005
ISUCKATEVERYTHING.just leave me here to rot and die.goodbye.farewell.adios.noone cares.why should i?no x o x o.i'm in a BADDY mood.hmph.
WITH LOVE ♥ 12:54 PM
Friday, August 19, 2005
young entrepreneurship challenge
aaaahhh!! so blurrr. bus was bouncing.ugh. that's me and Sebas.HELLO WORLD.
today was terrible.during E math, YuSheng was screamingand throwing his stuff all over the class,screaming and knocking down chairs.throwing tantrums and going around the class hitting people's table HARD and LOUD.just because he couldn't find his DAMN calculator.Ms Ho was terrified. its obvious.the whole class was horrified.then, Mr Ranjit came. peace.shall not elaborate. *shivers*today's boring.Mr Wee is getting deaf.and somehow, i feel like everyone's hating me.AM I RIGHT?yes.went for the convention after school.to support our school team. only 3e1 go.hehehehehe.very fun. camwhored in the bus.reached Singapore Poly, got a bag.with a cutecutecute keychain in it.
that's my ADIDAS watch with the keychain.not clear though. lazy wanna edit.then. the convention started.first; anglo-chinese(barker road)they did on a tracking hp device (GLINT).or whatever.second; first toa payoh sec.they did on a cupboard that spins so you can searchfor clothes more easily.third; zhonghua sec.what did they do? forgot.i think its the electrostatic attraction thingy.the ionic whiteboard.then; RGS.tracking device similar to anglo.they won the best marketing btw.then; ZHENGHUA sec.did on camvoila.a MP3cumFMRADIOcumNEOPRINTcumDIGICAM device.i l0ike.then; Loyang sec.the cup thingy. Jas said it was practical.i think so too.then tea break. food was ok.THANK GAAAAAWD.oh yes, a participant from Anugerah is from SP.Khairul's his name.he performed just now. "I Believe I Can Fly."
power sia his voice.vote for him ok!haha. promotepromote.O.oanyway consolation prizes went to Loyang, FTP and Zhonghua.neighbourhood schools. yes?3rd prize: Anglo-Chinese Barker Road.2nd prize: ZHENGHUA SECONDARY.1st prize: Raffles Girls' School.not surprised. BUT. do you realise that Zssis a neighbourhood school YET, we got the 2nd prize?see, don't look down.((x.Congrats to Natalie, Joel, Nicholas, Bee Em and Wing Kiong.you guys did a terrific job.a totally AWESOME job. congrats once again.
there they are. so smart in their blazors.you guys were great la. ((:though your morality dropped.i am SO tired.i shall post the pictures up soon enough.((x.keep reading kays?cheerios!x o x o
Tuesday, August 16, 2005
same shyte. different day.
ok so basically, today.first period was english.borinkkkkkk. but quite funny too.then e math.then ss. disturb Cat. again.then MT. super dooper pooper boring.then bio`.then chem.haha. Mr Ang very funny la.when he first entered the class, Joel wanted to try the invisibleink on him. so he sprayed quite alot la.then Mr Ang wasn't confident it was dissappearing so he keptasking Joel whether it dissapears. then everybody said,"orrhh, Mr Ang you got fooled."and his reaction was like, "HAH!"then he STILL wasn't confident.so he said, "Joel, if the ink doesn't go off ah, u buy me another shirt.very cheap one."ngahahahaha. ya then after about half an hour, the ink went off.then his reaction was like, "eh?!"hahaha. and the best thing was, he put his nose right on thedissappeared ink spot and sniffed.the whole class went berserk! haha.eeewws here and there.ohmygaaawd can be heard.err sing lehh also have.hahahaha. that's my chem teacher for you.ya and then. lifeskills. okok la.after school, suppose to have netball training.but noone came. Ms Woo puzzled also.waste time!ok afterwards, went CP to teman Aidah go clinic.it opens at 630pm so we walkwalkwalk around.saw a checkered brown bloody fcuking nice shoe.but it wasn't highcut. WHAT A WASTE.anyway, saw loads of prettypretty clothes.like one from ebase. but got ppl use so cancel.then got another from ESPRIT.oh gaaaaaaaaaaaaawd. nice larhs.and a cardigan at metro. waaah.i pokai` sia.anyway, Aidah is going GAGA` over the shirt at ebase.tgk la saper ajak kaaaaaaaan. haha.then had her checkup.met her dad. actually its suppose to be the other way round.anyway, bought their food.ok then go home.very hungry siah`.i haven't eat you know.ok larrr`.my ZINGER waiting for me. hehehehe.toodles doodles!x o x o
Sunday, August 14, 2005
dwank. ((x
i'm going out soon.go kukup eat seafooooood.sec 1 day camp was...bleahx?cause i miss the water bombings. WTH.oh yes. and i liked the part when we played 'bomb'.i was in the Council group. so."group 1 bomb! group 1 bomb! group 1 bomb to Council bomb!"then our turn."Council bomb! council bomb! council throw away the bomb!"and we won. HAHA! clever one people.the last one was council bomb to zhenghua bomb.where everybody got bombed and everybody lost.coooooooooool.((x.ya so. i'm BORED.aren't you?ok i'm going out now!!wakakakakaka!!!my iPod haven't full charge yet!!how!!ok bye!!x o x o
Saturday, August 13, 2005
merayap lagik!
went out with my mum and sis today.my sis had to change her passport picture.no difference to me.anyway she had her USA Visa which doesnt look any diff from how she looks now.weird la.anyway, went home straight. changed and went bp plaza to meet mum and sis.they bought for me something from Old Chang Kee.don't know what's that.they also don't know.-______-"ok then. i went KFC buy drink.then got these two malay KFC boys.starestare at me. then first i was like q-ing ah.felt uncomfy. so i look at them.they look at me. fine. buat bodoh.then. they like whisperwhisper to each other.WTF. then i look again.still staring. STILL whispering.then i ordered my drink. when the person go and take,i can see through the case where they put the chickens you know?yes. from the entrance of the kitchen on my right all the way toright infront of me. SIAO.ok fine. i was like, "quick la. where's my drink?"and the man stil wiping the machine la. gilerrrr.so late sak. then the two freaks were standing at an open space,staring at me again. i look, they smile. FCUK`.then when i FINALLY get my drink. paid. walk off.then they said. "byeeeeee".eeeewww! ok long story la.moving on! took bus go Bugis.take MRT go Lavender. do passport.take MRT back to Bugis. eat at SAKAE SUSHI.yumyum* then my mum funny. she wanted to save my sis moneythen she keep asking the same q for every plate she took from the conveyor belt."Ni ade dalam buffet tak?" kwangkwangkwang.she wants it to be cheap you see.and she kept asking and asking and asking.and my sis and i was like, "makan je laaaaaaaa......"at the same time. nyeh.and my mum is SO silly, when my sis asked her to dip the seaweedin the sauce she put the whole thing in and left it there.HAHA. jakon eh ma?ok then. walkwalk around Bugis.while waiting for daddy to fetch us.got two boxers. haha. and we went searching for my watch.weeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!and i finally got one. ADIDAS ah beb.haha. like, $67.50. woo !nice. i like ok. ya then ate dinner at Banquet at JP.then balikkk.my mum owes me a pair of highcut shoes.yayness! can't wait. ((xthat's all for today la guys.heeeeeks. tired uh.take care!!x o x o
Friday, August 12, 2005
fun time.
i browsed through my past blogs yesterday.
and i realised that i was really childish.
haha. no, seriously.
check it out.
http://blackstreakz.blogspot.comand OUR blog. which was long time abandoned.
go see.
http://pinkstreakz.blogspot.comhey, the blog might be dead but not us. hehe.
talking about US.
we met yesterday.
wanted to study but as USUAL,
HE didn't do much.
he just flipflipflip through his DNT book.
and staring at me.
looking at me doing my comprehension. l0l.
yes. and then we slack.
sleep. not really sleep la but rest.
put his head on my shoulder.
OH YES!!! he can't do mohawk anymore!!
haha. short hair. he wears a CAP now. l0l.
ya then. he had to meet his freaking friends at 330.
sebok je. ishk.
then. he *mooackx* me!!
ok shan't go further. sssshhhh*
ya then. walk home.then he tried to imitate my voice.but it came out a little too, SISSY.and we both laughed out LOUD.heex. then walkwalkwalk.
lalala. *pimpin tangan.
woo !
then. saw his friends!
then i panic sey. haha.
Haziq, Aziz they all semue nmpk.
then one of the monkayes shouted.
"bastard ah Yan! sombong sak! ZURAIIN pon samer!"
let me tell you this,
haha.then. i tell him. as in Yan.
"you go with them ah. i can go home myself."
"you sure?"
and i said. "YES." with the ~fasterrr la~ tone.
but inside my head, like, "do i have a choice?"
then balekkk. then i happy.
finish story!
x o x o
Wednesday, August 10, 2005
national day! ((x
yay!its National Day people!!HAPPY NATIONAL DAY!!HAPPY BIRTHDAY SINGAPORE!!wakakakakaka.why am i so happy?i don't know.cos there's nothing else to be happy about?yeah, that's it.today is going to be borinkkkkkk.went out for breakie with parents and sis this morning.then, follow my mum go market at geylang.then go home.now my parents at the canteen.i'm home alone. again.decide to do hw and study for tests by today.so tmr can relax. haissh.lazyyyyyyyyyyyyyy you know.530 got live telecast of NDP.then. shooting stars.then. full circle.then. CSI.then. i forgot.i miss you HONEY BUNNY.hope we can meet tmr.i keep thinking of you. ((xiMissYouDarlx!!!!!-faint with a smile on her face-
x o x o
Tuesday, August 09, 2005
okokokokokokok.i'm excited!!!!mainly because i had my very FIRST try at BOWLING!yesyesyes. pathetic because i'm alredy 15 and YET, nvr bowled before.ya!! so i very happy.played two games, cleared the alley a couple of times.and OF COURSE, the drains are like my best friend now.let's start from scratch.National Day celebration today.nice larhs. compared to last year.had to control the 2n2 freaks/brats/monkeys.DAMN they are so noisy.haha. so. i ignored them la.then FanYoong was like, "eh, you must ask them to keep quiet."and i was like,"shhh!!""can you guys stop talking?""excuse me, pls keep quiet and LISTEN."BUT, to no avail.WTF.anyway, had the concert next.first. Kompang boys.i like to stare at JUMALI.cos he looks like dear. [[DEAR?! o_O? new bf?? will get back to that.]]they use community drumming fest tune.ok. then. the scouts drum+sing.kiyut. hehe.next, chinese dance. no c0mmentx.then. skit by ELDDFS."Diary of Chee Cheong Fun" by Jasmin.DAMN. its so sweet. yet sad.ok then. TALENTIME!! wakakakaka.first is the band, GTA. ((Last position.))siao belo people. wear wig and oxygen mask.then sing also not clear. only drums was good.ok next, The Neutral.
((penultimate.)) i lOike.Majulah Singapura tune. then Holiday from Green Day.nicenicenice.ok then. DMR.((1st runner up.)) not band. two guys with guitars singing.not badd. btw, DMR means DeMoRalised.heee. ok then, Replica. ((2nd runner up.))replica of S Club 7. singing, "never had a dream come true''.woo ! sedapppp.ok my fav!!! MESMERIZERS. ((Champion.))fu yooooooooooooooooooooo!!! powerr sak!!HAMIZAH I SALUTE YOU!you have such a beyoooooooooooooooooooooooootiful voice!Azmira also. power babe!!the chinese girl u sing infrnt of me also i cannot hear.bleahx. waaaah. then. all the teachers singg.then. SINGALONG. haha.lucky i sit at the side. crazy lar!! haha.middle people not sporting one.ok then. dismissed at 1110.then go home. change. go out!!BOWLING!!i HAPPY!!go CDANS and bowl.ramai org beb.ok, so it was my first time.i took the ball. slot my fingers in.walk towards the alley. one. two.i swing the ball backwards and then, "thump!!"i dropped it and it went rolling backwards.wadduh!! paiseyy sak!!everybody laugh! tsktsktsk.malumalu. somemore first try sey. ishk.ok la so after the first throw i chipped my fingernail.my right thumb. got BLOOD. suayy.BUT FUN!!haha. so at 4 we left the place. go West Mall.play arcade!!Jurassic Park rocks my socks!ok then. go Lot 1 eatt.ya then. call my mum. ask to fetch me.going Punggol. wakx.HweeLeng, Dah, YuXiang and Alden accompany me wait.then my mummy so late. so they left at 715.and i have to wait. until 8. boring sey.alone somemore.ya then. meet relatives, eat at Hali's. *yumyum*Aidah's on the left. Mine on the right. ((x.
ok about the Dear thing, i didn't know i patched with SHAFIANalready. on the 28. haha. but i'm ok with it.the break up....makes us stronger i guess??that's what i hope. ((xya, so i had great fun today.hehe. larve yew pea pole!for reading moi crappppps.heeeeeex!!toodies piggies!P.S Happy National Day in advance pea pole!!!!P.P.S was SKAFEST nice? tag people! ok bye!
Monday, August 08, 2005
same shyte. different day.
3 consecutive titles with the word shyte in it.seriously, my mind is blank.all i can think of is shitshitshit.yay.soooooo.life has been getting more and more BORING.yes, capital letters.how i wish i'm like some girls out there.nonononono.not the streetwear+minah+roxy bimbos.like those with more freedom than me.ok fine, i'm pampered to the core of the earth.but i dont have freeeeeeeeeeeeeeeedom.i'm FIFTEEN for everybody's pantyhose sake.ouh WHATEVER.
i've come to a conclusion that,i NEED a new watch and i WANT a pair of highcuts.ok so i don't need a watch but my current watch is kinda boring.and weird. the beginning of June it was DEAD accurate with my school bell.now it's 12 seconds fast.siao.moving on!i went to Marina South for the launch of the 'Today in History' book.Mr President was there.now, where do i get the book? i want!!anyway, there were commando freefall like TWICE.first there were like ten freefallers? yes.they were carrying the total defence flags and the state flag.and the second round was 6 people. army guys? i don't know.and the dynamic dispay was fun."Bomb!" wakakakaka.and i counted like 12 times? yea, it really went "bomb!"then they had a scene where 4 footballers were footballing.then a car got bombed and it was on fire.i mean, LITERALLY on fire.then they started panicking. then got gunshots.then got chlorine leak and all four were like dropping on the floorhaving muscle spasms.then. a whole row of police cars and fireman vehicles and scaryypeople in white suits that look like the people in Star Wars and fire enginesand motorcycles with their horns BLARING, came outt of nowhere.well actually it came out of my left hand side la.and damn i was scared!i know its stupid to be scared but ya, i was.my eyes was like in tears!i kept imagining as if it REALLY happens. with all the "pepoot! pepoot!"and the ambulance. and they were carrying the bodies.which looked DEAD to me. so, ya i was scared.erk. but it was nice though. ((xi have the pics but my cam batt is WEAK.so too bad.oh YES! we took our vice principal's car to go there.and i was surprised to find him rather funny.hmmm.and ya, i borrowed his fifty cents cos my ezlink was POOR.and i had no coins.now tell me,WHEN IN YOUR LIFETIME CAN YOU GET TO USE YOUR VP'S MONEY?well i did. ((xblurgggggh!! ok i so wanna go out today.i want to catch a movie, or maybe chill out by the bay;like THAT's ever gonna happen.toodles pea pole~x o x o
Friday, August 05, 2005
another round of shytex
ok so i did't go for netball again.ngahahaha.it's not that i'm lazy.i was all dressed with my sport shoes and bun for netball.then when i was sitting near the shelter opp my school, i saw all these VIPs entering.for cluster sharing or whatever uh. then all the councillors in blazors.i feel so out lor.so i made up my mind and didn't go. ngahaha.so i'm at my sis's house now.that explains why i can post an entry!badbad girl. hee.furthermore this morning after assembly Aidah and I got lecture.From Mdm Zarina."there's no more excuse for not coming ah.""netball training has a fixed date already. you know you can't have appointment on that day.""somemore i don't expect both of you to not come to training."-________________-"ouh whatever.still got other girls right.i like netball but i can't drag my feet to go training!sheeeeeeeeeeeeesh.ANYWAY, today school was a-ok.
first period, chem.
had practical.
heated up metal carbonates and chipping the end of the test tube.
lucky no need to pay.
it was too hot so it wasn't our fault!
then Jothi broke the whole top part off.
ok then, MT.Cikgu Nani never come.Ms Ho relieve.VERY boring.hoho.then. english.Mr Wee's throat not feeling good.didn't go through summary.watch video and do crossword instead.The Revenge of the Pink Panther.-.-*recess*physics. borinkkkk.d-uh.next. biology. do practical.before we go lab, Joel said 3e2 dissected a COCKROACH to see the heart.=X.my heart, *gedoop gedoop gedoop*scaredd.then, we reach lab, Nic ask."cher, are we going to dissect a cockroach?"Ms Malini said, "cockroach?? eeeuwww."and i siiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiighed. a huge siiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiigh.so we did reducing sugar and protein tests.borinkk ah.my teacher said she's gonna try to bring a GOAT'S heart next time.if not. CHICKEN'S heart. one per pair.
MAMEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE.ya then E Math. stupid people make alot of noise then go home 15 mins later.damn you.=Xchatted with Mdm Zan's bro ystrday.can't believe it man.ok sssssssooooooooooooooooooooooooooo.ya, so he guessed that i was an express student.and i was like, "asal tak agak special?""HAHAA. =X" was his reply.shyte him.and i've got a new Uncle!Uncle Agony aka Sufiyan.NYEH.i'm damn hungry.no food at my sis place.got la but all dried food. not SATISFYING.
-.-and Phoebe's in the room!*meeeeow*i wanna play with her.ok daaaaaaaaaa!x o x o
Wednesday, August 03, 2005
another shit to be read.
a few days back, Shafian so called dedicated me a song.That Thing You Do by The Wonders.i can cry listening to it.although its jumpy la.but at least now i can know how he feels.laadeedum.have i told you how irritating it is to not know what to write when the com is in a good mood??uuuggggggggggggggghhhhhhhh.oh yes!i found out that the song my mum sang along the other day was Asmara.by Gerhana Ska Cinta.hehehehe.schoolschoolschool.first period was A math.confusing dokkkkk.but can understand.Herry was like mumbling and whining silently beside me.khekhekhe. guess he was like fed up.then. got mini quiz.which i, as usual, screwed up.next, biology.get into groups of four.next week. no more homosexual and lesbian groups.MUST mix.d-oh.girls do lymph and the lymphatic system.and i'm a badbadbad artist.ok then. *recess* and then. geography.filing abit.and then went through something.forgot what.got test!! - factors that affect the locations of industries.i wanna go Marina Bay for the don't know what!!my stupid hand don't wanna raise up.sucky.next. social studies.paid attention abit. dreaming abit.laughed when the ASEAN meeting picture came out on the slide.to find a woman standing beside SM Goh Chok Tong a head shorter.Mr GCT is sooooooo tall!nice la. Cat [Ms Tan!] was saying how much she hated E math.and how boring it is.blah.and then. CME.senior citizennnnn. no commentx.*lunch*english. boring loike hell!then go home!homework, karangan, Eng TYS.what else?argh. who cares.*i miss the times we had.especially our first pic together. your first kiss to me. and the first rose you gave me.all on the same day. *-> 031204 <-*
x o x o*-> YanAyn ~280804~ <-*26 more days to our supposed one year anniversary.
WITH LOVE ♥ 10:06 AM
Monday, August 01, 2005
i miss him!i know i'm not suppose to but i do!i hate this feeling.he gave me his baby pic.soooooooooooooooo cutex!he totally and i mean TOTALLY look like his youngest bro.*melts*and he sent me two MMSs of his pic.yes, AGAIN.but it's alright!heeee. it was a pic of him dressed up as a punk.seriously, it's scary.muke mcm nak gadoh!hehe. the other is without cap.even scarier. so i delete.=Xsorry. i kept the other one though.Sufiyan ah..i know it's hard to move on after a break up.but, cheer up!there's more to life than just rot and cry ok?look who's talking.ngehehe.ok la.i don't know what more to update.bye angels!x o x o
WITH LOVE ♥ 10:17 PM