i won't change for anyone.
Tuesday, January 30, 2007
Music's ON: Don't Get It Twisted - Gwen Stefanii swear i'm addicted to this song.
if you guys have realised my strikeout in the previous post, i have an explanation for that. i wrote that post at around, what, 4plus pm? and i said there aren't any signs, didn't i? and i said he doesn't even notice me in school, am i right? well, correction. at 8plus pm last night, he texted me ! :D :D and i didn't initiate it lar. like, how surprising is THAT?! i am shocked myself. to think that he actually will pick up his phone, just to text me. huhu! and that wouldn't happen if i didn't cross his mind right? hahahahahaha~
and then the part about him not noticing me in school, scratch that as well ! in school earlier today, i was about to head to the stall to get my food. then, he was calling out to me ! we were quite far so i guess he was shouting? and he mouth-ed the words, "having break eh?" . and i said, "ya." (out of words again.) and he went, "pegi makan?" (going to eat?). in my head i was like, obviously. HAHAHA. but of cos i didn't say that. i just said yea again and he said okay. and then i smiled and waited for him to like, turn away after smiling back. but he didn't! so ok. then he kept smiling. then i'm like a little confused cos i thought he wanted to say something else. but he didn't as well so i gave a little wave (to say bye) and expect him to turn back by now. but he still didn't! he kept that wide smile plastered on his face. in the end, i turn away first. kuakua. WHAT A MOMENT. hehe.and then i met the rightful-owner-of-Mr. BOCJ after school. and no, i haven't return Mr. BOCJ yetttt. heh heh. and thanks to you. it was fun, wasn't it? hee hee.i'll leave you guys with a pic of us GFs (w/o Sebas) and our HipHop instructors!
we aren't looking at this camera. and hafiz (on the right) is so damn cute, don't ya think so? ((:alriiights.that's all for today.until my next entry, loves.xoxoyou don't really wanna mess with me, tonight.Labels: smiles
Monday, January 29, 2007
Music's OFF.Friendster Horoscope for TODAY - 290107 // PiscesThings between you and this new cutie are just getting started, so try to cool your jets and not be so impatient for progress. Taking giant leaps forward will only turn up the pressure and expectations. Right now you need to leave things set on a low heat, and let the boil come naturally. Let yourself get used to this presence in your life -- that way, the two of you can more easily integrate your lives. All signs are looking good, so why rush perfection?I SWEAR THIS TIME, THE HOROSCOPE IS FREAKY. DAMN FREAKY.just the perfect timing !except the part about "all signs are looking good", i think the whole horoscope prediction is quite accurate. because i don't think there are any signs (for instance, him actually noticing me in school), that's why the "all signs are looking good" is redundant.ok so, now i hope it'll be true. heehee.and like wow?just when i needed a little cheering up. thanks horoscope.my day was miserable; monday blues, they call it.start off by waking up late. (#1) 7:26am to be exact.thank GOD it's monday since school starts later.i skipped shampoo and rushed.then, jothi said she's not going for school. (#2) ok, fine. so i thought i'd go with those annoying guys. but NO.they're gonna meet their classmates because apparently, every Monday is BREAKFAST DAY.so i had to go to school myself. (#3) yes, all the way from home `till MI.i reached school and dialled Nora. found them, my friends. i tried to stop telling myself it was a bad day (me & my negativity!) and remained cheerful.then, i saw eyecandy* sitting just two steps above mine, about 4 people away. i was shocked but not excited like i usually am. he was talking to another girl. i didn't mind.then, assembly and since eyecandy*'s class is two classes away from mine, i had a pretty good view of him...talking to yet another girl. (#4) well, it was his classmate and i heard they were quite close. oh well. it doesn't matter at first. but i still have a green-eyed ant in me. =Si couldn't concentrate on looking front but always turning back. Nora had to turn my head away so i'd stop looking at him and make hell of a noise. :(i got more miserable when..-you know what? i shouldn't even blog about my miserable day at all, yes?it'll make me feel more miserable lar! .____.so i'll look on the bright side cos tmr's a new day ! YAYYY, ZURAIIN ! (:& tonight, i'm gonna snuggle up tight with Mr. Blue Oversized Converse Jacket before i return it to its rightful owner. ily, rightful owner of Mr. BOCJ. ((:i'll be off now, sweet pumpkins!(:xoxokeep holding on; cos you know we'll make it through.
Sunday, January 28, 2007
infatuated part 2
Music's ON: I've Got You - McFlysecond post for today.i've just sent my GP stuff to Nora.the one on Youth.so boring.. =.=i only found two interesting articles.one on STEP-UP, the other BAYBEATS. zoink.sighsighhs.somehow, i'm looking forward to school.just so that i can get a glimpse of eyecandy* .but i keep asking myself, "WHAT IF HE NEVER COMES?!"sobs. my day would be so draaagggyyy.yalah, me and my negativity. so pessimistic ! but i have to prepare for the worst right ?but if he really never come howwww ?! soooooooooooobs.i find myself sitting infront of the com soo many times in a day.& why ? just to bloody see his picture.no wait, strike that.just to see his bloody CUTEE picture. siiighs.what is wrong with me ?!!DEAR ZURAIIN,DON'T BE AN IDIOT AND THINK SO FAR. YOU SHOULDN'T EVEN HAVE HOPES IN THE FIRST PLACE AH. STUPID IS IT. JUST BECAUSE HE TALKED TO YOU TWO DAYS AGO, DOESN'T MEAN ANYTHING CAN HAPPEN RIGHT?! HE'S JUST BEING FRIENDLY WHAAT. WTF. AND HE'S REPLYING TO YOUR SMS COS HE'S JUST BEING NICE. PLUS, WHICH PART OF YOUR UGLY FACE WOULD HE BE INTERESTED IN ?! HE'S TOO CUTE TO EVEN TALK TO YOU LAH. HAHA, ZURAIIN IS A MORON WITH HIGHHH, FAT HOPES.gawd, stfu zuraiin.i mean, who gives a flying fuck ?!?!???!!!RAAAAWRRR.but it's ok if i just looklook at him right?just a teeeeeeeeeeeeeeny crush on him, can right?x_____xi don't know what's up with me today.going boinkers i guess.i'm sooo sorry.HAIS.xoxo
Music's ON: Keep Holding On - Avril Lavignei am so confused ~~about my feelings.about the next step i'm going to take.about what i have in future; good or bad.sigghss.how i wish everything would just fall into place.what, is this fate?that all this confusion is meant to be?is there light at the end of my tunnel of confusion?or just more of such shytes?two paths; and i'm stuck here not knowing which direction to place my first step.life is all about making choices, right?God decides, and it doesn't matter if anyone helped or not.so. i guess i'll just see where this takes me and i'll decide from there.i hope it won't break me into pieces, yet again.it's too early to make a decision now because i'm not certain what each path has in store for me.so we'll see in a week's month's time. see how it goes.i'm praying for the best (whatever that is).on a brighter note:Friendster Horoscope for today, 280107 -//Today, don't be surprised if you notice a few people saying things you you're known to say, dressing like you dress, or talking about topics you tend to go on and on about. They aren't mocking you -- they are unconsciously emulating you. See, you have become quite a trendsetter in your group, mostly because of your positive and confident attitude. People think it looks good on you, and they want to look good. Feeling good about yourself is contagious, and you have started an epidemic.right.and i've been soo negative on myself for the past few days.just, what is WRONG with me ?!xoxoPEE-ESSS// i think my arm muscle is building up. HAHAHA. serious. must be due to pushups during PE.cause the next time that he cheats, you know it won't be on me.Labels: heart affairs
WITH LOVE ♥ 10:40 AM
Friday, January 26, 2007
Music's ON: U & Ur Hand - PinkDEAR DIARY,in the morn, i am high.i saw that eyecandy* of mine, and i got excited.then, it was maths & i was bored.DAMN BORED ! but still high.then, it was break. i searched for jothi to return her jacket but she wasn't around.so my friends & i just loitered in the canteen.then, when i'm about to get drinks, i walked past a bunch of victorians (eyecandy*'s friends).i suspect they looked at me, but i didn't thought much of it. eyecandy* wasn't there.idling away.. talking to my friends... searched for jothi..suddenly, eyecandy* approached me !! :D(that's cos i knew him since orientation. & we sms-ed yesterday.)he went like, "zuraiin eh?""yeaa!" -me, trying to keep calm & obviously failing. "where's ur friend ?" (he meant herry. it's a LONG boring story. erm, the GUY* in my previous post i mentioned, is this eyecandy*)"oh, he's not here.""laki eh?" ("a guy eh?")"oh, yup.""lepas ni malay pe?" ("after this having malay?")"ah, yes.""cikgu sape?" ("who's ur tcher?")"cikgu ayub...or something. i'm not really sure.""first time going for malay class?""uh, no ah. i just dunno his name.""oh okeh. *SWEEEEEEET SMILE !!!!* "then he walked off.melttttt~RAHHH ! xDthen headed to malay class again.ya, i suspect those bunch of victorians & gang looking at me again.hmmm. maybe it's just me.my imagination? hmm.then i got f'ing high again.malay was boring ah. but i laughed so hard when nasstasha, nora & i were 'chatting'.we wrote our msgs on a piece of paper and passed to each other so we don't have to talk. then halfway, nora wrote, "MSN MESSENGER" at the top. and she asked me to nudge.so i wrote, " *nuuudge* ".then when nora passed the paper to tasha, she shake the paper so hard.and tasha was all, "what the hell was that??"and when she read the *nudge*, we all laughed so hard ! LOL. geddit? nvm. HAHAHA.silly us.then, nesha sms-ed and said she'll be coming to school.and meeting us for the last time. :(she's withdrawing..so anyway, after malay was homee!saw jothi and told her to follow my friends & i cos we meeting nesha at the canteen.THEEEEEEN, eyecandy* alert ! :Dhe was with his victorian friends. and jothi kept squeling and i already start to get nervous.jothi kept saying he was looking at me !! like, 4-5 times. my gaaawd. i was facing away so i didn't dare turn.then, mary did the same thing. "zuu, he's there. *eye signal*"hahahaha. i was freaked out la.then nesha didn't arrive on time so tasha & mary left first.so i was thinking if i should go or wait for her still. since tasha & mary went off, i decided to leave too. i called nesha first. she said she'll be late. so obviously, i wanted to leave home la.then, eyecandy* and friends left too! it was so awkward walking behind them slowlyyyy.then at the gate, eyecandy* was loitering near his friends and his back was facing me.so i didn't get to say byee. awww. hehe. HIGH~~~~looking forward to monday ! hahaha.&& jothi said, all the while we were at the canteen after school, eyecandy*'s friends kept looking at our direction. SEE, I'M NOT IMAGINING THINGS. but why? =Sbut then, when i logged on the com, i read stuff and saw pics of eyecandy* .I AM SO JEALOUS ~~ ='(but nvm, he's sooooo cute it doesn't even matter! :Di may post his pic, sometime. let's see when. ;)izwan is bugging me now, so i'd better go.heeeeeeeeeheeeeeeee.xoxothe last kiss i'll cherish, until we meet again.
Wednesday, January 24, 2007
did it again!
Music's ON: Who Knew - Pink& ZURAIIN DOES IT AGAAAIN !i meant, i ran two rounds around the stadium, without stopping/walking.hahaha.it's my goal (since forever) to try not to stop/walk.because in my records, i think this is only the fourth time (?) i've ran without stopping or walking. how sad huh. beneath my clothes, i don't have a bloody fit body. wakakaka.so who wants to run with me on tracks? not more than 2.5 rounds.sufiyan maybe? wanna run? teehee. ((:&& THANK YOU AH HERRY, FOR TELLING ALL YOUR FRIENDS. AND IT'S NOT ONE OR TWO FRIENDS, CLOSE TO SIX LEHHH. SIXXX ! ARSE, LAH. NOW ALL THOSE GUYS SHOUTING THE NUMBER AT ME. AND YOU STILL HAVE THE CHEEKS TO TELL ME THEY ARE SHOUTING THEIR NUMBER ?! ALAMAKKKKK. FEEL LIKE ROASTING YOU SIA. ROAST YOU UNTIL YOU HANGUS, THEN YOU KNOW. CEETOT. F'ING ANGRY.AND ALSO, USING MY HP TO SMS A GUY*!ARE YOU NUTS?! ROOOOOOOOOOOOOOAAARRRRR ~~!!!I'M NOT GONNA FORGIVE YOU ! EVER ! NOT EVEN ON HARI RAYA ! *growls*one annoying piggggggggggggggggggggggggggggg!gawd, i am so infuriated. ARGH.ANYWAY, i ordered the PAE Orientation pics already !HESPER 5. woooots. i didn't look stupid in either of the pics. (or so i think)can't wait to get my hands on them ! hehe. ;)headed home straight.deary Fee went to play bb so i can't meet him. awww.hohums.what more to update?err, nothing much la.so, see ya!xoxoyou promised me you'd be around.
Tuesday, January 23, 2007
Music's OFF.A RATHER BORING DAY.my craziness lasted until 12noon only.the rest of the time, darn slacked. bored & tired.all i did was dreeeeeeeam & dream. ask Nora(:and my gawd, last night was TER. RIB. BLE.i can't sleep until around 3plus. felt damn sick.tossed-turned. felt nauseous & giddy. roars.just a short update.gtg now.toodles, you asinines.& ilu sufiyaaaan. <33xoxoall mah ladies pop your backs to it.
Monday, January 22, 2007
Music's OFF.my GP hmwk.Thinking About Thinking
How Can We Encourage Active Thinking & Learning?
Every human being in this world is equipped with a brain and of which, we use it to think. This is when thinking people are broken into two categories - passive and active thinkers. Passive thinkers allow words and actions happening right infront of them to float past their mind thus, subconciously thinking about what has been happening. While passive thinkers need not do much, active thinkers do quite the opposite. These people usually pays 100%, if not more, of their attention. Digesting every little amount of information given to them, understand them and make comments without even opening their mouths. This keeps their brain working and helps in their speed of understanding something foreign in future. Through active thinking, people are able to understand things in a clearer context.So how can we encourage active thinking? For educators, they can explain certain concepts to their students using interesting analogies. By doing so, students are able to apply the concept they are learning to the analogy educators will create. Students will thus go through a thinking process just by trying to understand the similarity between the analogy their teacher has created, and the real concept. Through this, grasping a concept they might not have understood earlier, will now be much clearer just by thinking actively through analogies. Another way is for educators to apply textbook information into the real world context. For example, students learn that workers need to upgrade their skills every now and then. For these students to actually understand why, they need to think actively. Lecturers therefore can relate this fact by telling them that in the real world, workers who refuse to upgrade their skills will have a higher risk of getting retrenched. These prompts students to think why workers are being fired and for what reasons, and then they would understand the fact more clearly. Thus, active thinking can be encouraged by basically helping the students to understand a fact through other ways of explaination.Active learning can vary in many ways. One of them is the hands-on approach. For example, when teaching a toddler to walk, a parent cannot just walk infront the toddler and forcing him or her to watch. The toddler needs to try it out him or herself to be able to learn how to do it. Same goes for the rest of us. Simply watching a teacher do experiments will not help any student to understand what they will be doing. Through the hands-on approach, students will be more interested in learning and therefore, encouraging active learning. Another means is through research. Students will discuss a topic during class and teachers may ask their students to do research on the different areas of the same topic. By using the Internet, these students also have knowledge of the information they found on the web. They will then discuss on the areas of the topic after their research. With this, the students will be learning more than what they had researched through the discussions. Thus, students are able to do active learning even when they are out of class.-------------------------------------------------HAHAHAHAHA. STFU OKAY!i know la, out of the bloody point. but who cares man. at least i put in effort !because i neeeeed to hand in my GP hmwk. lols.my first half of the day was WAAA WAAA WOOOOOO~~second half (i.e after school), i was just dampened. sighs. same old stuff. which i would not ever say it here or anywhere. just between me, him, our hugs&kisses&i love yous AND our hearts. lovelove.ANYWAY, i was very high this morning cos.....well let's see, only NESHA, NORA, HERRY & MUSTAQIM knows. (Mary wasn't around or she'd know about it too. get well soon, Mary!)ok la, it's very lame. so ya'll don't lose out much. anyway if i tell, only us peeps would know. so wth. haha. so anyway, i was going around telling them about my new bag and asking them to guess its price. LOL !! Nora's friend guessed $160 lei ! and that's cause he knows the brand is this kinda price. huhu.skip skip~i was high during assembly again, cos i was standing near the back of my class ! HAHAHAHA. and then yalah..then Nesha and i were bitching about that biatch (jothi knows). hilarious."her hair like chicken tail.""i can tell her attitude so step." -Nesha"how can you tell?""yaaah, look at her.""but d'you think her face is pretty?""no la..no.""HAHA. tt's what my friends said too.""but she's hot.""HOT?!""as in her body la.. you know guys go for body and not face.""but for how long?? in long-term r'ships (blahblah) ...personality lasts longer.""ah yala. correct, correct. ....but she's hot.""can you stop eyeing her?"HAHAHAHA.then went for class, all that shiz.then break. lunched with farhanna, nadz, nasstasha, nora, nesha. (so many n's)then the six of us, GAL TALK. wakakaka. funny sia.- you guys need some 'sense' to understand these few parts. -talked about lesbians, butches, flashers. and nesha was talking about how she found cucumbers in the girl's toilet. and we all wondered HOW?? it's so bloody big. so i said it's those kinda smallsmall cucumbers. farhanna cracked up. haha. and nadz was saying carrot is easier. LOL.and then nesha asked nasstasha if she got approached by a girl (she's in a girls' school) before. and tasha gave that guilty face.. then we all cracked up la.and nesha was like, "are you straight?" ROFL. and we were eating lunch, mind you!could have choked any time !and there were soooooo much more we girls talked about and we laughed like noone's biz. hahs.OH OH OH !!& NESHA IS A FREEEEEEAK.she can tell our personality just by looking at our faces!seriously, i am freaked out by her. we all agreed what she told us is true.and about me, she said: you fall for guys very very easily. but after you have fallen for him, it's hard for you to get out of that love. and it's hard for you to get over him. correct?YES IT IS CORRECT LARRR . =Xomg. and i didn't even mention anything about my lovelife to any of them.freaky nesha !sighs.and i think they rest of the day is pure boredom~~after school, called darls. hmm.then head to mum's canteen.gawd, whatever.shall not continue,well then, till my next post.TOOOODLES~xoxoi'm worn out with all this. but i'll try even harder than before.
Sunday, January 21, 2007
Music's ON: Yummy - Gwen Stefani ft/ Pharrellhiphop class today was extra funn!kept laughing & laughing..damn funny la the first part.one-two-three-four pause. then everybody start laughing. LOL.then us four kicked instead of pause and pose.and that small boy, LIFT UP HIS BLOODY SHIRT. he was imitating hafiz (our instructor. i think i've mentioned.). my gaaawd.unless he got a nice coloured underwear and nice bod (haha. hafiz.) then at least okay.theen, those intructors damn cute la, play with the lil boy's scooter and making jokes out of every-bloody-thing. they speak malay at times, so i ended up laughing myself when they said something funny. lols.plusplus, i wasn't sweating ! i think we all laughed too much.so yah. a shoutout.DO SUPPORT OUR HIPHOP DANCE INSTRUCTORS AND THEIR DANCEGROUP ON THE DANCEFLOOR, TONIGHT @ 8PM.okay, their group name is Styles From Beyond. wewtz.like Hafiz said, "now you know who to vote."kuakua.oh wells, pretty much a boring day after that.headed home after class and did my hmwk straight. (:okay, only gp and econs wksht but at least i did something.then i packed my (new!) bag for tmr and then i read the first chapter of shopaholic abroad.i'm done with the secret dreamworld... already! hehs.right now.... i'm hungry.and i'm thinking if i should do gp essay no. 2?cos i have noooo idea how to start the essay.title: "Thinking About Thinking."subtitle: "How Can We Encourage Active Thinking & Learning?"GAHHHH.i have abso-fucking-ly no idea what else to write.HAH.toodles, yaw.and don't forget to catch the dancefloor! :Dxoxoit's time to make you sweat.
Saturday, January 20, 2007
NUM school bag!
Music's ON: Listen - BeyonceTIME OF THE MONTH !okay, if you guys haven't notice, i've changed my blog song.NICE RIGHT ?! although i only understand the english parts.i heard it once on MTV and instantly fell in love with it !at first i thought it was chinese, then realise it can't be cos i would recognise some chinese words in the song. so i searched for "ShinHwa" over yahoo and they are actually a Korean band. (i know, i'm slow kay.) so, it's a Korean song la ! nice horrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr! (:a round of applause to zuraiin for loving a non-english song. (because it's almost impossible for it to happen.) ROFL.ok moving on! i bought a new school bag ! because my Gap one is too small to fit A4 size papers and too flimsy to hold my stuff properly, i got another proper one for school! :Dlike, i am such a happy girl ! *beams*even my sister likes it ! she wants to borrow from me one day. hehehehehe..jpg)
from New Urban Male. $149. (i know, i'm such a big splurger. but hey, my GOOD PROGRESS AWARD has to be put to good use!)((:plus, the bag is so flexible, i can use it for ANYTHING.go for swimming, staying overnight at some other place....even when i'm out in town!
tres chic ! :DTELL ME WHICH GIRL WON'T BE FREAKING HAPPY WHEN SHE GETS A NEW BAG/PAIR OF SHOES/TOP/BOTTOM/PAIR OF EARRINGS/etc. hahahaha~~and the brown top i'm wearing, is also new !i haven't used it for going out, at least.
it's actual length. gawd, i look so planky in this pic.SGD$ 8.bargain rightttttt.where did i get it ? INDONESIA ! wakakakaka.you cannot get a piece of pretty top for 8bucks in S'pore !right, i looooooove my bag !BAG HOE! yea! that's what i am!i cannot get enough of making love with my bags. muahs muahs muahs.cringe. =.=ok, basically, that's it.i just wanna show off my bag. HAHAHA.chow for now!xoxoi'm feeling yummy head to toe.Labels: new stuff
Wednesday, January 17, 2007
first PE lesson in MI.
Music's ON: Tell Me - P. Diddy Ft. Christina Aguileraalrights.
school ended @ 115pm today.first was MT.i think my mt teacher has malay knowledge beyond perfect.it's like he's too perfect to be teaching.he has soooooo much experience (yes, he's old).he taught in ACJC for 15 yrs, NJC for 10yrs, some sec school for a number of years, part-time teacher in NTU, taught outside malay courses, marked PSLE/'O'/'A' Level papers before. excellento. find another teacher as experienced as THAT.also, i am awed and stunned by his fluency in BOTH Malay and English. :Oanyway, we spent 2 periods just going though the H1 MT format for 'A' Level.that's 1hr 30min. jee.plus some of his stories in betweens laa.he's so funny! exaggerates almost everything.he was commenting on malay ppl who changes their own name to something angmoh.then he does an accent which sounded hilarious. gah. i think i'm not gonna dread MT lessons after all. (that's what i always say.)so, had PE after.2 rounds around the stadium (800m- i didn't stop! :D not too bad for a person who hasn't done any exercise in MONTHS), some stretching, jumping jacks, jump and hit your knee, crunches :D, push ups and there's this other exercise la.was having tummy cramps after i ran, but it went away when i did crunches. hmm..then we climbed up the stadium steps, jogged all the way to the other end and climbed back down 3 times. warm down.anyhoos, it was not as bad as i expected. though i'm still tired after all that, i've done worse than this. waaaaaaay worse. for eg. netball's PT. gawd, i *DO NOT* want to remember. =Xso i guess, it's not that bad uh.then that was it, for an hour. that's all ! i was like, "that was an hour?? that's all we're doing?!"not that i wanted more, but y'know, feels so unlike an hour.headed for break next. me being all melt-ish and tired is one thing, GETTING HIT HARD ON THE BACK BY A FREAKING FLYING SOCCER BALL IS ANOTHER. this malay guy who was playing in the canteen(!!!!) la. how immature! asswipe!then his friends around the table all kaypoh-kias ! making oooosshhh... sounds when the bloody ball hit my back. my breathing got stopped for a sec. imagine how hard ! ROAR ! >:(then, fine ah. i was going, "wth, trying to break my back is it?!" without knowing who it was. then he was saying sorry and all... so i said, fine i'm ok. then i continued to rub my back and whispered an ouchh. then, he rubbed my back and continued saying sorry. IMAGINE MY HORROR. and his friends did it again ! this time, they said woahhh.. aaarrrggghhh! retards !now i'm hurt AND humiliated . then i bent forward to send him the get your hands away! msg.and i went like,"OKOK, I'M OK." and he continued to say sorry and pretending (obviously!) to be so sympathetic. i mean, get the msg ! go awaaaaay. HE CONTINUED !i was really on my nerves and i went, "I'M OKAAAY, JUST GO OKAY."and he said, "sorry tau. sorry.""JUST GO, I'M OKAY, FINE. JUST GO, GOOOO. GOOOOOO~~. GO AWAY ALREADY.""betol?""YES ! *turns back on him*"not angry. just PISSED. it lasted for 15min ? then i'm fine already.hehs.so, we had physics after.i was paying full full attention, the entire time. ((:i like the teacher, he teaches stuff so clearly.maybe cos after PE & break, i feel more refreshed. that's why.we finished the first topic. and started a lil on the second.so far, i haven't lag in any of the subjects. economics, maybe.but i got all my 5 MCQs correct for the econs surprise test. xDand i didn't even study. and i don't even understand most of econs. AND i don't even like econs!bluekk. xPright.tmr's a pretty long day. school ends @ 415pm.oh, i have something to share with you guys.image heavy.
so if you guys have a weak stomach, don't look !............................
i'm guessing, arse on the left and head on the right of the pic.pretty obvious ?taken along the path to the school's entrance.outside, not in school.i only saw it in real once, and it's just a glance.then i either try not to look, or i pretend i don't know it's there. (same?)this pic, if you guys are curious, is taken by Herry the Magnificent(-ly Annoying).i don't dare see it again, it's grosser in real life !jothi don't even dare to look in pic ! hehehehehehe.alrightosss.shall end here, pretty lengthy.so, take care you darlingss !xoxoand i'm trying to find the words to speak.
good very morning.
Music's ON: Do It To It - Cherish ft. YoungBloodzit's 5:28am.GOOD VERY MORNING, SUNSHINES !(get it? good very morning cos it's very early? oh, nvm.)
i am awake so early ! :Dsurprisingly.i'm usually still in the sofa slogging away the very little few mins i have while waiting for the water heater to heat up.but today! i got out of bed at 5am, turned on the radio and water heater, go to the sofa for a few mins of more sleep, and 10min later, i realise i'm not very heavy-eyed like i usually am. so, i turned on the com ! wahahahaha. and i don't even have droopy eyes now. it's just full of eyepoop, that's all. *wipes wipes*actually, i intend to charge my iPod cos the power was quite little last night. then i remembered, i left it in the car. I LEFT IT IN THE BLOODY CAR ~~sobs. today i've got no music to accompany me to and back from school. D:oh wells, there's still my book !
have i told you guys? i bought new books ! yaaaaaay!The Secret Dreamworld of a Shopaholic & Shopaholic Abroad both by Sophie Kinsella. (Dani, if you're reading this, HEAR THAAAT ! sophie kinsella ! rofl.)and after i finish with these two, i'm planning to get Shopaholic Ties The Knot and Shopaholic & Sister (because it's a series). wahahahahaha~i love sophie kinsella's book ! interesting and a page-turner. weeeeeee-
ho hums.PE today ! heard from some of them it was torture. =Xoh crap. crappity crap amongst all crapowly crapism. (wth?)(-.-)"OH BY THE WAAAAAAAAAAAAAYS, i've got my own cashcard !!
in butterfly prints !hehehehehehehehehehehe.time check: 5:55am.i shall go bathe now.or i'll be late again !see you guys then !tooodles !xoxoDo it do it do it do it.You know the world be rockin' to it to it.
Monday, January 15, 2007
my own cashcard.
Music's OFF.right.home & hungry.finally got timetable.PE on wednesday! finally, a chance to lose some lipids around my waist.i dread PE lessons, but that's the whole bloody point.since i'm being forced, i have no choice but to lose those fats!(like as if i don't want to. hah.)nothing much to update on today.i'm hungry.=Still here.xoxoi know, `cos i'm living the same life.
Sunday, January 14, 2007
Music's ON: Before He Cheats - Carrie Underwoodsuppose to meet sufiyan at 11am this morning.i woke up at 1123am. nice.luckily for me, he woke up late too. ((:so talked and stuff.i'm hoping for the best. sighs.plsplspls. *prays hard*then headed to bp station.i was pretty late, yet right on time.i reached then i saw the cab with ky and hy innit!lol. cabbed to bk timah cc.we were early ! lol.so we hiphopped for an hour.our plans were movies after hiphop class then meet sebas.then dunno what happened. haha.carmen's mum sent us to bp plaza. didn't get to say thanks! =Sthen we had drinks at delifrance.chatted a lil. walked around a lil.then head home.was planning to meet around 6plus pm then find sebas at her workplace.but all plans cancelled ! ky & i can't make it.guess we gotta catch up next time then..i miss going out with you girls ! i get to meet ky and hy every sun for hiphop.but we all miss sebas !! i haven't seen her for donkey years ! sobs.thanks to all our busy schedule.we'll find a time.veryvery soon i hope !!so much to catch up on !okay, i guess i should leave now.nothing to say already. lol.chow!xoxogot so many memories, but it's not enough.
Friday, January 12, 2007
Music's ON: How To Save A Life - The Frayi haven't been blogging much, have i?because i'm still very sore about the pictures that didn't came out on my previous previous post !which makes me think like i have no point blogging anymore.but then i have this funny imagination everytime i visit my blog.that those little monsters (above) felt absolutely lonely cos i didn't blog.so there, here's my entry to accompany those cute monsterrrs.roar.quit crapping already.was quite busy with school and stuff actually.waking up at 0530am every morning (and still being late) just to be safe.sorry herry, mustaqim and jothi.but i bought you guys chocs and lollipops already whaaaat !yea, then after school, will meet sufiyan.then by the time i reach home, i'll be around 5plus nearing 6.i'd watch a lil tv.bathe and have dinner.then i'd surf the net. and when i decide to blog, time doesn't permit.so i go to bed.see, it's a vicious cycle.but school's cool actually.got a permanent class, 07S12.timetable will be out next week.lessons are basically listening to lectures.then do assignments during tutorials.maths is sooooooooooo confusing but i'm able to understand, do qs and get some answers right.econs is 'the study of man in the simple business of life'. HAH.i don't know much abt econs yet cos i've only attended the first lecture.let's put it this way, in econs:SPEND MORE -> CONTRIBUTE TO ECONOMY -> ECONOMY IMPROVES -> BONUSES GIVEN OUT TO WORKING PEOPLE -> MORE SHOPPING.and the cycle starts over.ok, that's my theory. it's unreliable so don't come screaming at me if it didn't work for you.so, physics was fab!no wait, that sounded ultra weird. it's just that i'm able to understand okay. lol.bio is bio. interesting as it is. but teacher is daaaaaaaaaaaaaymn boring!so school is like that.oh btw, they have JAPANESE food in the canteen !i've only tried the teriyaki chicken bento. only one comment, they should put more teriyaki sauce on the chicken! lol.but i loooove the tofu. yummy. too bad it's in a small portion. :(
best thing is, all the food is halal! including chinese ! like Banquet, like thaaat.food is okay except one stall. tasteless.& they're implementing the use of contactless Nets aka Cashcards from next week onwards.which means we wont use cash to pay for food anymore.which also means, I'M GETTING MY OWN CASHCARD ! lol.that is, if my dad refuses to give me his la.well, that's school for me.it hasn't get boring..........yet.oh yea, my tamagotchi died again.i have my reasons for not taking care of it properly ok.surely you don't expect me to bring it to school right ?oh well, it's safe in my cupboard now. i turned it off. waaahaaa.ONE MORE THING !Pop.Tarts are absolute love, okaaaaaaaaay!especially flavoured in S'mores !
pppfffftttt. yummy !you can get them at Cold Storage!xoxofor you & me, the sun will shine one day.
Sunday, January 07, 2007
WITH LOVE ♥ 11:59 AM
Saturday, January 06, 2007
indonesia trip update.
Music's ON: Love You So - Nataliefinally, my indonesia trip updates !!
i know it's a little late but you know, better than nothing.
load of pictures, but of course, i'm not uploading everything.
oh btw, this trip is by tour.
Day 1 [28 Dec 2006]Mummy & I in the plane !Tiger Airways.once we arrived in Padang, we boarded the bus which would be our transport around indonesia for the next 5 days.start our 4 hour journey from the airport to Bukit Tinggi.checked in to Novotel Hotel once we're there.it's a mountainous area and gosh, it was pretty chilly there !so i had to don a jacket.travelled around with a few stops for the shopping.nothing much for my age. so boring...after checking in, they brought us to dinner.all the seats taken.so we had to sit on a platform, crossed legs.and so, they served Indonesian cuisine.Daddy told me they were originally Padang food.thus, the name Nasi Padang.you know some malay stalls wrote 'Nasi Padang' as the signboard ?they are all referring to Padang the country in indonesia.there you go, i learnt that only recently.then headed back to the hotel at around 9plus.but then, around 11 plus, mummy & I hungry again.so we ordered room service for our supper !mum had Gado Gado and i had Beef/Cheese Burger.DELICIOSO !guess how much ?! 58, 000 rupiah !!which is equivalent to...... SD$10 !trust me ! omg.i was freaking shocked lo.look at the size of that burger !!the patty is minced beef and it's oh-so-juicy !! *drools*the Gado Gado was superb too ! :DDay 2 [29 Dec 2006]woke up freaking early.was literally shivering ! i was so coldddd.had breakfast and headed out for the "makciks shopping".batik cloth and whatnots. all for the makciks.so i was pretty bored.snapped pictures among the flowers while waiting for the rest to finish their shopping.i love this snapshot pls. xDso eye catching.then we headed to Kolam Ikan Sakti.loosely translated; Magical Fish Lake.there's a story behind this lake la, but i wasn't listening.mum & dad !behind them is the lake.then we headed off to some other place.slept in the bus and it was a loooooong ride with frequent stops.got down once we reached.i forgot the name of the waterfall.then walked around.and headed off again.next stop, a shop named Kiniko.where they specialise in powdered coffee.here i am, at Kiniko.i look like i'm constipating.oh wells. parent's said the coffee was veryvery nice.i don't drink coffee. (:look at that glass of thing my dad's drinking.looks delicious ? here are the ingredients.- raw egg- honey- 'buah pinang' (i don't know what the hell it is.)- cinnamon stick- watereeeeeeeeeeeewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww !!dad finished the whole glass.i didn't taste it. obviously.then headed for lunch.same as dinner on the first day.durian for dessert. hahahaha.this is also the place where i spilled my coke all over my crotch area.wtf. -.-"the makcik & pakcik on the left are mum & dad's friends.headed off after lunch to another place of attraction.parents infront of the king/queen's palace.i went in and i saw two very grand king sized beds side by side.decorated nicely/grandly and all.the guide told us that there were two beds for the king and queen cos the second bed is for the QUEEN when she's having her period.cool stuff.more places went.back to hotel around 4plus.then it's free & easy.so we decided to hop on a horse ride around the town area and back to hotel.it was a difficult shot for this pic cos the horse kept turning to our side and both mum & i were freaked out.this was the best one cos i managed to smile at the cam while mum is STILL freaked out.hahahaha.dinner and a good night's rest.Day 3 [30 Dec 2006]woke up freaking early again.packed bag to leave for another hotel.breakfast and off we gooooo.visited a few places on the way to our destination.if i ain't wrong, this place is called 'Panorama'.view of the beautiful mountains and valleys.&& LOADS OF MONKEYS !and they were scattering around like noone's business !the grandfather, grandmother, aunties, uncles and children all have !so manymany monkeys !!! i was so afraid they'd follow me.pic at the top, mum & baby.headed off to tea plantation area.boring ride towards the top of the mountain cos nothing to see.so, i sleep la.reached, the pic shows the tea plantation and a volcano.see the smoke coming out from a part of the mountains at the top of the pic ?i was told that that mountain is actually a volcano that erupted in april 2005.btw, the place they was super cold ! colder than Bukit Tinggi.the breeze was just, ppphhwoooarrr.after awhile of admiring and snapping pictures, we head off to somewhere else.place called: Danau Di Atas, Danau Di Bawah.got pics, but i only wanna share one.can a flower get any prettier than this ?head for lunch and a few more stops.checked in at a hotel.Pangeran Beach Resort. washed up.head for BBQ dinner cum Hari Raya Haji celebrations at the pool area.table people.there were performance all that but people blocking then i can't snap pics.went back to room and sleep.Day 4 [31 Dec 2006]Hari Raya Aidiladha.woke up early, breakfast, packed bag for another hotel, off-.went to kampung area in a part of Padang for the Korban.us singaporeans were welcomed by the kampung people.cos some of the people in our tour bought goats and cows to be korban-ed for the poor villagers.FAINT HEARTED PEOPLE ARE NOT ADVISED TO LOOK !skinning the cow.that's how they start the korban.these are the anakanak yatims (children without parents) who performed a traditional Minangkabau Dance.then, headed of to somewhere..dunno where.checked in Rocky Plaza Hotel.head to the ballroom for lunch.anakanak yatim visited us at the hotel.we had lunch at the ballroom with them.that is Syah Ibrahim in the pic. DJ of dunno what radio station.Adi Rahman was there too. just, not on stage.went to several places after lunch but cam's batt was weak.Day 5 [1 Jan 2007]Happy New Year !!i was decked in brown !wordings on my tee is brown.brown pants.brown blazer.gold shoe.visited the anakanak yatim's house.the ones that ate lunch with us the previous day.it was really a sad condition they have as a home.around 30 people living in a small house. with leaks here and there.thus, we gave donations.Syah & Adi plans on renovating their house.their kitchen.after about an hour there, we set off.loads of edible turtle eggs or telur penyu.banned in Singapore.after that, we went back to hotel.free & easy around the evening.then we walked around the area, a few shopping malls.only bought two tees. hmpf.took the horse ride again...until around 7plus, we head back to hotel for dinner.we were brought to a Dimsum restaurant.dad was laughing when i caught his spastic face !hahahahahahahahaha-table people.only mum& i pay attention.the rest looking at ppl KARAOKE ! zzzzzzzzzzzz.head to hotel, sleep.last night in Padang.Day 6 [2 Jan 2007]had breakfast.no places visited cos it's the last day mah.so i'll just post up some random pics i took on the last day.Minangkabau International Airport.taken in the plane while it was about to fly.that explains a part of the building gotten cut off.the plane was moving at a super fast speed !fluffy clouds !20min till landing.i can see the land !and that's a part of the plane's wing if you're wondering.landed ! home sweeeeeeeeeet home.ok i'm very shagged right now.timecheck: 11:18pmso that's it, goonight poopies !till my next entry.xoxooooh, i love you so.
Thursday, January 04, 2007
sprained ankle.
Music's ON: Wait A Minute - PCD ft. Timbaland
i'm not able to update on my trip to indonesia just yet.
BUT i promise i'll post pics and update on them once my sister passes me the usb cable for the camera. yeeeeeeeeeap.
nevertheless, i'll update on my MI orientation - De Novo 2007.
De Novo = a new beginning.
Millennia Institute Orientation Day 1which is yesterday.met up with fellow zhenghuarians namely, mustaqim, herry, faezah, shi hui, lay han and myself.took lrt, mrt then 941. BLOODY packed/cramped/squeezy and all words associated with "sardine-in-a-can".reached. then look at the list, my name dun have !which means i dunno my Orientation Group !a few others also dun have their names. in the end, they forgot to put up the last piece of list-of-names. my initial is Z what. so it's on the last piece of paper. then they nvr put up. bodoh.anyhoos, my clan is HESPER & my group is 5 !so, my OG is HESPER 5 la eh.herry and mustaqim also from Hesper. but their OG is Hesper 1 & 4 respectively.then go through admin stuff all that uh.then from 12+ until 1430 got TALKS in the hall.my butt very pain sia ! wth. -.-"anyway, go home after that.my ezlink was -$0.25, so mustaqim and herry decided to walk to west mall instead.plus, the bus stop was packed full with students.so we walked all the way to westmall. top up my card. saw jothi.then take mrt. until cck, mustaqim gone. dunno go where.herry, jothi & myself took lrt.then herry & I alighted at bp. he went plaza and i waited for Fee.Fee reached then i shall skip the in betweens la. privacy ok.except, SUFIYAN THINKS I HAVE A NICE BUTT !! wakakakakakaka.hhuuussshhhh*don't tell so many ppl later everybody start grabbing my ass. rofl.then went home.Orientation Day 2much more fun.made more friends.played more games.PLUS, i sprained my bloody ankle (& it's swollen now) during a captain's ball game.mind you, there were like, 40 over people playing ONE game. gawd. kecoh seh.anyway, Hesper against Idalia & i think we won ? whatever.more games. a lil admin stuff. played Blow Wind Blow when we're suppose to have our break.learnt the MI dance.yakyakyak lar. so malas wanna detail.overall, today's better than yesterday. yeap.one more day of orientation tmr.it should be a blast.then, we'll start with introductory tutorials and lectures for the next few weeks.
oh yea, we received our De Novo tee, file with MI foolscap and face towel as our orientation package. plus an MI badge too. kinda cool ehs.walked to west mall again. with my ankle in that condition.stupid herry and mustaqim nvr sympathise me.MAKE ME WALK UP RAMPS AND STAIRS. tmd.and i was limping la. but then they're nice enough to walk slower and when crossing roads, they wait until really got no cars so i don't have to run.i took H2 physics, economics, maths & H1 biology for my science combination subjects.on top of that, there's compulsory GP and MT.i don't think i wanna go JC/MI already.it's tough la, the 'a' levels.i want BIOMEDICAL SCIENCE !! sobs.anyhoos, i'm hungry.
going out later for dinner, i guess.
nothing more to update ehs.
so, till here then. toodles !
unbreakable, like nothing could go wrong .
Tuesday, January 02, 2007
back from indo.
Music's OFF.HAPPY belated NEW YEAR !!back from Indonesia, finally.updates cum pictures soon.for now, tag replies !lio; i'll take a pic of the shoe soon ! lol ! & happy new year to you too !sofie; yupyup ! thaaaaaanks ! Slmt Hari Raya Haji to you too and yeah, song's great huh? :D happy new year !mrs smap; LOL ! not musch pretty stuff lars. nothing much to buy there. -.-"ain*; EXACTLY ! goodness, like that also i don't know.. hahaxoxobaby, don't give up on me.
WITH LOVE ♥ 10:25 PM